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Robert Potočnik

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About me

I do my theoretical training in the specialist psychotherapy program Logotherapy and Existential Analysis, which is accredited by the Viktor Frankl Institute in Vienna.

In 2024, I completed my studies in psychotherapy propaedeutics.

In addition to theoretical training, I am going through the process of my own personal research, I have completed over 200 hours of individual psychotherapy and over 100 hours of group psychotherapy. I practice psychotherapy under the supervision of Danielle Rigas, who is certified psychotherapist and supervisor.

I offer therapies in the area of Celje, Ljubljana, online and in your home. I have completed the master’s degree program Art Therapy and therefore in psychotherapeutic practice I also use approaches of working with art materials and accessories if the client expresses an interest in it.

I use logotherapeutic knowledge in preventive work with individuals, couples, and small groups.

I work according to the Code of European Association for Psychotherapy.

    O meni

    Teoretično izobraževanje opravljam v specialističnem psihoterapevtskem študijskem programu Logoterapija in eksistencialna analiza, ki je akreditiran…
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    Robert Potočnik

    Psihoterapija in svetovanje, Robert Potočnik s.p.
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